Paul Sawyier-Kentucky Artist (New Release)
William Donald Coffey 2010, Frankfort Heritage Press, Frankfort, Kentucky. An Historical Chronology of His Life, Art, Friends, and Times from Old Frankfort to the Catskills (Available from Paul Sawyier Dealers, Kentucky Historical Society 1792 Bookstore, Poor Richards Bookstore, any bookstore)
The Art of Paul Sawyier
Jones, Arthur F., University of Kentucky Press, 1975. A “coffee table” volume on the life and art of Paul Sawyier, including over 70 color plates of his originals, most of which have not been reproduced. (Poor Richard’s Bookstore)
Capital on the Kentucky
Kramer, Carl E., Frankfort: Historic Frankfort, Inc., 1986. An excellent history of the Capital of the Commonwealth. Current Price (Poor Richards Bookstore.)
Historic Images of Frankfort, Volume I, Frankfort Heritage Press, Frankfort, Kentucky. The first volume of historic images of the Capital city of Kentucky. (Poor Richards Bookstore)
Historic Images of Frankfort, Volume II, Frankfort Heritage Press, Frankfort, Kentucky. The second volume of historic images of the Capital city of Kentucky. (Poor Richards Bookstore)
Atlas of Frankfort-Franklin County 1870-1880, Frankfort Blueprint Company. Shows what houses existed downtown and farms by owner in county. Frankfort Blueprint Company)
Love To All, your Paul
Glenn, Nettie, Ephrata, PA: Science Press, 1974. A biographical novel of Sawyier’s life, based on the research of Dr. Willard Rouse Jillson’s notes. (Poor Richards Bookstore)
Early Frankfort Kentucky (1786-1861)
Glenn, Nettie, (Poor Richards Bookstore)
The History of Franklin County, Kentucky
Johnson, Lewis Franklin, Roberts Printing Company, 1912, reprinted 1974. An excellent history of Franklin County, Kentucky up to 1912. (Poor Richards Bookstore)
Paul Sawyier Art Gallery
(502) 330-6120
Poor Richard’s Books
233 Broadway
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 223-8018
JRS Printing
(502) 223-8239 |